*If you could get rid of one state in the U.S., which would it be and why? To make it harder, it can’t be Delaware.* Florida. If I have to hear that it is America’s Wang one more time….
What is your background in comedy? I have studies at i0 and Second City in Chicago. Performed with and co-founded Off The Cuff in Cedar City Utah. Have performed at the Desert Star and Off Broadway theatres doing Musical Comedies. I have performed with Quick Wits, Off The Wall, Laughing Stock for improv. Have performed some Open-Mic at Wiseguys. Who are your biggest inspirations in comedy now? I really like Louis CK, Marc Maron on the National Stage. Locally I really like Steve Soelberg, Jay Whittaker, and Guy Seidel. Growing up? I loved any comedy from Stand-Up to Sit-coms-to Dr. Demento. Anything that would make me laugh. You have participated in acting, improv and stand up? We do you enjoy the most and which is the most difficult? I enjoy each of them for different reasons. I enjoy Acting because it is fun to take someone else’s words and create a character. With Improv I like being in the moment. Sharing a unique experience with the audience that could have never been anticipated and could never be recreated. Stand up- is great because I love telling stories to people from my life. I like the story telling of stand up because I feel like I get to share some of the most intimate/embarassing stories from my life and really share myself with others. As to my favorite…It’s cliche…but I dont think I could really pick. They are all so unique and individually challenging my hat goes off to anyone who participates in any of them.
You are most well know for working at X96. How long have you worked there and what is your job? I have been the producer of the Radio From Hell show on X96 for almost 9yrs. What is the most fulfilling part of the job? The most fulfilling part of my job is when I feel like we cover a story that makes a difference or that matters in the life of the people who listen to the show. So many radio shows do fluff…But when we really dig in and attach ourselves to a story we really do a great job in sharing that with the audience.
What is it like working with big personalities like Kerry, Bill and Gina? It is the best and the worst. Their amazing skills make my job very easy…BUT with large personalities come Large opinions of how things should and shouldn’t be done.
You have got a chance to interview a lot of celebrities, bands and comedians. What is some of the ones that made you the most starstruck and why? I think the most star struck of the interviews that I have ever done was at the Sundance Film Festival when I had the chance to interview Antonio Banderas. I was star struck mostly I think because this was the first start that I had really ever met…but also…he smelled really good..Not sure what the cologne was, or maybe it was just Banderas Musk…but it was memorable for sure.
Who was the easiest to interview? The easiest person to interview for me was Jenna Kim Jones. Her and I had a chemistry in the interview that made it both entertaining and also very enjoyable to do. Who was the hardest? The hardest interview I have ever done is Shirley McClaine. I’m pretty she didn’t know she was being interviewed and they got her out of bed literally like 3 seconds before I started interviewing her. What can we expect from you in the future on X96? Hilarity. Creepy jokes and Mormon references only few get.
You run the popular blog and podcast The Cultural Hall. What is it and where can people check out your content? The Cultural Hall is a community for Members and Non-Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to talk about anything. The Cultural Hall can be pretty polarizing at time with some of your articles and interviews. Which interview got the most positive feedback and the most negative backlash? Anything we do articles or episodes about tolerance goes over really well. We feel like we help people understand all sides. They don’t have to agree…but they do have to listen. Our purpose is to gain knowledge. You can’t do that if you surround yourself with people who only think the same way that you do. The most negative feedback we get is when people don’t get our sense of humor. We use jokes or satire to show how ridiculous some arguments are…some people don’t like that.
Tyler Glenn/Lead Singer of the Neon Trees http://www.theculturalhallpodcast.com/2014/04/tyler-glennneon-trees-ep-123-the-cultural-hall/
It was the summer of 2011.
I was in Chicago in the fall of 2010. I learned of all the great festivals in Chicago and thought…you know what?! Salt Lake Needs a comedy festival.
I personally loved the first year…doing something we didn’t know how it would go over. Charting new territory..etc
At first I think we focused heavily on a competition atmosphere. I feel like we focus more now celebrating comedy.
Wednesday Salt Lake Comedy Film Festival Wednesday, April 9th | 7:00pm Tickets: $10/regular admission Broadway Theatres 111 E Broadway Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Buy Tickets In partnership with the Salt Lake Film Society come see some of the best in local comedic film. Including a screening of the feature “Whip Brawler”. Thursday
Stand-Up Q & A with Keith Stubbs Thursday April 10th | 5:30-6:30pm Cost: $5 Wiseguys West Valley City 2194 W 3500 S, West Valley City, UT 84119 Buy Tickets It’s the SLCF Stand-Up Comedy Q and A with Keith Stubbs. Keith Stubbs is a comedian, radio host and business owner. Keith started his comedy career in Los Angeles in ’91, toured all over the US and Canada full time, has opened for Jim Gaffigan, Joan Rivers and many more. Keith is the owner of Wiseguys Comedy Clubs. This question and answer session only occurs once a year at the Salt Lake Comedy Festival. If you are just starting out in comedy or looking to be more marketable outside of Utah this question and answer session is a MUST ATTEND.
One Mic Stand Thursday, April 10th | 6pm Reception* | 7pm Films Tickets: $10/General Admission Wiseguys West Valley City 2194 W 3500 S, West Valley City, UT 84119 Buy Tickets No script. No black outs. Just the comedian, a microphone, and a stage with 5 minutes to fill. One Mic Stand isn’t your typical open mic night. 20 Comics get with 5 minutes to entertain, vie and appeal for your laughs. Watch as some of the best work the mic and the crowd. There will be one winner and the rest will take the “walk of shame” away from the One Mic Stand. Friday
Improv-aganza Friday, April 11th | 10:00pm Tickets: $10/regular admission The Midvale Theater 7711 Main Street, Midvale, UT Buy Tickets See the best of the best improv from all over the state of Utah all on the same stage. Your favorite games from Murder Mystery to the Birds and the Bees, and many MANY more. If you only go to one improv show a year this is the one that you want to go to! Saturday
Social Media Marketing Panel Saturday, April 12th | 1:00pm Tickets: $5/regular admission Post Theater 245 South Fort Douglas Blvd. Building 636, Salt Lake City, UT Buy Tickets Pick the brains of some of Utah’s best on Twitter/Facebook/Google+/
Moving Up! Saturday, April 12th |2:30.-3:45pm Cost: $5 Post Theatre 245 South Fort Douglas Blvd. Salt Lake City, UT 84101 Buy Tickets Movin’ on Up: how to continuously make strides in your improv. Do you find yourself doing the same scenes over and over? Have you plateaued as a player? In this workshop you learn how you and your team can revamp, upgrade and advance your improv to the next level and beyond. Off the Cuff in Cedar City Utah has been performing every Friday night for over ten years. Trained by some of the greatest names in improv comedy, OTC prides itself on quality improvisation in both short and long form. OTC Comedy strives to bring world class improvisation to communities all over and has performed throughout the western United Sates including: Los Angeles, Phoenix, Alaska, Orange County, Jackson Hole and hosts the Annual Red Rocks Improv Festival now in it’s fifth year.
Character Improv Class Saturday, April 12th | 4:00-5:15pm Cost: $5 Post Theatre 245 South Fort Douglas Blvd. Salt Lake City, UT 84101 Buy Tickets Learn how to draw from an endless supply of vibrant characters, rather than just your stock five. Characters can be created immediately, without relying on cliche stereotypes or lengthy explanations. It’s about simple choices, perception, and commitment. Throw away that fallback Jamaican pot-smoker and be inspired! Taught by Jesse Parent
Musical Improv Saturday, April 12th | 5:30pm-6:45pm Tickets: $5/regular admission Post Theater 245 South Fort Douglas Blvd. Salt Lake City, UT 84101 Buy tickets Do you like to sing? do you like to make people laugh? how about both? music and comedy go hand in hand! In this class you will learn how to sharpen one of the most effective yet intimidating tools in your comedy arsenal, you can learn some of the little tricks to make a parody song shine, or quick and easy methods to make up lyrics on the spot. whether you are musically inclined, or completely tone deaf, you can learn how to participate in the rewarding and laugh inducing realm of music. Participants are encouraged to bring an instrument if you play one, don’t bring one if you don’t.
Best of Festival Saturday, April 12th | 7:00pm Tickets: $10/regular admission Post Theater 245 South Fort Douglas Blvd. Building 636, Salt Lake City, UT Buy Tickets If you aren’t able to attend every show during the entire week of the Salt Lake Comedy Festival this is the Must See show. This show has something for everyone. The best of the best in Improv games, stand-up comedy, long-form improv and short films. It’s the best of the best from the Salt Lake Comedy Festival. The Best of Festival will include an Armando. The Armando Diaz Experience is long-form improvisation in which a monologist tells personal stories that provides the inspiration for the resulting scenes. Local improv stars will craft the scene-work inspired by Radio From Hell’s Gina Barberi’s masterful tales.
I just like being able to laugh with so many of the talented people here in Utah. I think also that the Governor declared this as Comedy Week has me pretty jazzed.
It’s funny.
I think it will only continue to grow. People in Utah love to laugh, our proximity to California and Vegas allows people to live here but work other places, and I think that Utah is now beginning to be recognized as a powerhouse for talent.
Walls are being broken down and people are collaborating to create some really great things instead of the attitude of being every man for himself.
Im on Facebook Facebook.com/RichieTSteadman @RichieTSTeadman on Twitter Facebook.com/
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